Monday, May 16, 2011

Step One: Online Application

For those of you out there who are considering applying for the Disney College Program, I know it's likely that you have a million questions floating around in your head!  It's sometimes nice to have someone who has been there lay out all of the details, just to give you a little peace of mind.  If that sounds like something you'd appreciate, I hope this entry is of help!

Here are some basics that you should know:

- As of 2011, the online application and web-based interview MUST be completed in Internet Explorer.  I have no idea why.  This was slightly inconvenient for me because I own a Mac and had to go on campus to use a PC with Internet Explorer.  Maybe someday the Disney CP Recruitment IT folks will make it compatible with other browsers, but as for now, it is what it is.

- The online application is a piece of cake!  Here are the main sections you should expect:

  1. Basic information.  This is a no-brainer! You'll be asked to fill out all of the basics: Name, School, Home Address, School Address, Legal Matters, etc.  You can handle it! :)
  2. Resume. You will be presented with a section that kind of serves as the "resume" section.  Here, you'll insert past work information and activities that you've participated in.  This is a small opportunity to let your personality shine and to let Disney know about any past experiences that have prepared you to be a part of Disney's Cast.
  3. Role Checklist.  This is your opportunity to mark the roles for which you would like to be considered.  The roles (as of 2011) are as follows:

    Bell Services/Dispatch
    Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess (Females Only)
    Character Attendant*
    Character Performer (Audition Required)*
    Full Service Food and Beverage*
    Main Entrance Operations
    PhotoPass Photographer*
    Quick Service Food and Beverage
    Vacation Planner*
    * Indicates roles I checked! :)
    (For more information about roles, visit, click "Students,"
    then click "Role Descriptions.")

    When filling out the role checklist, it's best to only check the roles that you really want to work.   In other words, if you don't want to do Transportation, don't check it.  Try to be as open-minded as possible (there's no such thing as a bad role in the Disney College Program!), but if you know that you would be less inclined to participate if you were offered a particular role, it's best for you and for the recruiters that you simply don't select it.

    *It is always possible that you will be offered a role that you did NOT select.  Some roles have a lot of shoes that need to be filled, Quick Service and Merchandise especially.  Think of all of the stores and places to eat that there are in the parks and resorts!  Usually the recruiters are pretty respectful of your checklist, but it's better to be offered a role in something you didn't select than be rejected because the recruiters were unable to offer you a preferred role.
And that's all there is to it.  As said at the beginning, the Online Application really is a piece of cake.  Somewhere in all of my boxes from school I have the print-out of my application.  If I notice anything that I left out of this post, I'll be sure to edit it and let you all know.  :)

After the application is filled out, you'll be invited to begin your Web-Based Interview.  Dun dun dun!  This freaks a lot of people out because for some people, it's the end of the road.  Stay tuned for my next post in which I'll give you as many tips as I can in how to keep a level head. :)

See ya real soon! 

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney


  1. I can already tell this blog is going to serve as a handy tool for plenty of future CPs!

    "I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys I want a castle." - Flynn Rider

  2. I like your Walt Disney quotations at the end of each entry, too! I hope you'll continue to do it. Even if it's just...

    - Walt Disney
