Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To All Who Come to this Happy Place:


It's hard to believe that in less than a month I will be working somewhere in Walt Disney World.  I have been accepted into the Disney College Program for Fall Advantage 2011, and I couldn't be more excited.  And nervous.   Nervous-excited.

I have known about my acceptance since February, right in the middle of the second semester of my senior year of college.  It was so hard to concentrate on school knowing that the college program was right around the corner.  Somehow I managed, and I graduated three days ago. Hooray!

Now, I'm full-on Disney mode.  I prepared well for this moment by listening to my extensive Disney playlist on iTunes everyday while studying and packing to move home, but also by reading blogs and discussion boards so I could learn as much as I possibly could before going down.  The latter is precisely why I decided to create this blog.

I can't express my appreciation enough for all of the CP alumni that have kept blogs during their programs.  Their posts have taught me a lot about what to know and expect for the next seven months.  I am hoping that by creating a blog of my own, I'll be able to do for someone else what all of those other bloggers did for me. :)

I'll do my best!  Here we go!

"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to following along with your college program adventures through this blog!

    Contributory Disney quote:

    "Speaking of weather, the other day when it was so cold, a friend of mine went to buy some long underwear. The shopkeeper said to him, "How long do you want it?" And my friend said, "Well, from about September to March."-Uncle Albert
